Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meeting Recap

Here are some notes from our last meeting, 12/18/09.
  • First, we talked about New Student Orientation, which is today. Miroslava and I (Ivy) will be speaking to new students about the organization. We'll be taking names and emails for students interested in finding out more/becoming involved.
  • February 26th = GARBAGE WARRIOR SCREENING! We discussed inviting other organizations, including Upward Bound and Architecture for Humanity, Boston. Depending on the number of people we expect to attend this event, we'll potentially screen the movie in Casc Hall. We also briefly discussed bringing some homemade food, with or without the option of donating to our group. You can watch the trailer here.
  • Earth Day (Week), 2010: This should be a major event for us. We discussed organizing daily activities for the week surrounding Earth Day (April 22nd). Ideas included volunteering for the Charles River Conservancy to do some cleanup, as well as hosting an Adaptive Reuse Design Charrette. For this activity, we talked about collecting plastic bottles, coffee cups, etc. around the campus, and using these as building materials for a series of pre-planned projects, like chairs, recycling bins, installations, etc. One additional idea was to approach each area of sustainability over the course of the week.
  • Spring Break, 2010: We discussed the possibility of putting a group together to attend classes at Yestermorrow (Warren, VT) over the break. If we pursue this potential opportunity, we talked about pitching the idea of simultaneously working for the organization during this week in order to offset some of the cost.
  • Lastily, we decided we needed to talk to the Practice Department about group volunteering and gaining credits. Here are a few of the local organizations we talked about getting involved with:
-The Food Project
-Habitat for Humanity (Greater Boston, Nashua)
-Department of Conservation and Recreation
-The Arnold Arboretum

Attendees: Brittany W., Brigitte D., John G., Miroslava T., Ivy S.
Time: 5:30-7:30

If there's anything I missed, please don't hesitate to add it in the comments!

Friday, January 8, 2010

First Post!

Hello everyone,
Happy New Year! The Bridges Blog is here to provide us with meeting recaps as well as to serve as a forum for ideas and bulletin board for upcoming events and potential opportunities. To make your own post, you can sign in with, password: community.

Check back soon!